Lic. Rafael Pliego Traducción Instantánea Profesional Eventos Internacionales

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Lic. Rafael Pliego Traducción Instantánea Profesional Eventos Internacionales

Interpretación Profesional Instantánea entre Inglés y Español para Conferencistas Internacionales durante

Azabache #1811, jardines del sur, san luis potosi, 78399 - SAN LUIS POTOSI - SAN LUIS POTOSI

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Lic. Rafael Pliego Traducción Instantánea Profesional Eventos Internacionales

I can easily relate to the comfortable ease of pacing about Your Stage, underneath the beamlights, inside the buzzing atmosphere of a darkened theater. There you stand and walk delivering thoughtful remarks one after another while your Audience responds to you with definitive interest.
After all, you own these slides and have walked through your content back and forth, anticipating questions, formulating candidate responses on this subject which fascinates you and clearly you excel at.
It is a scarry notion to imagine the downside of a poor translation and therefore truly value right there, at the moment of truth, having me in your corner, ensuring that your every remark gets accurately expressed in the target culture; whether it be English or Spanish, whatever the topic of interest: Business/Academic/ Science.
In addition to Keynote Events, hiring a Professional Simultaneous Translator is a great business initiative to hold key conferences (large group meetings, conference calls, training rounds, and the like) with zero language difficulties.
Progress accelerates; Agreements reached; Due Dates Set... Smiling faces all around as everybody exits the room with the distinctive sense of an earned reward. Drinks are part of networking and a definitive must after intense milestone events.

Información relacionada

1) Renta y Venta Equipo Audio Visual, 2) Salones para Eventos 3) Traductor Simultáneo, 4) Traducción Simultánea, 5) Intérprete Simultáneo, 6) Renta Equipo Traducción
Servicios de Traducción Perito Traductor Congresos Conferencias Renta de Equipo Traducción Renta de Equipo Audio Visual Renta de Radios, Pantallas, Cabina

Horario de atención

Lunes a Sabado de 9 a 21

Estamos atendiendo llámenos

Lunes9:00 a 21:00
Martes9:00 a 21:00 ABIERTO
Miercoles9:00 a 21:00
Jueves9:00 a 21:00
Viernes9:00 a 21:00
Sabado9:00 a 21:00

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